Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year 2010

The New Year for me symbolizes a time of reflection, hope, and a new beginning. Although I have never been fond of New Year's resolutions I am a woman who does well with goals. I often have daily, weekly add project goals on an on-going basis. Without goals it seems I would never accomplish anything. In my book and accomplishment can be as small as finishing the laundry which seems challenging to me since I rarely get it All put away.

While reflecting this week I decided that like Julie in the movie Julia and Julie I would set some goals for myself and be accountable to my blog. Unlike Julie, I have no blog followers and that is okay because this is about helping me. If you know me, I am sure your first thought is that I am going to work on diet, health, and fitness since I need those things. No, I am going to work on some things to bring me true joy.

First and foremost my passion is piecing quilts. However, I have never allowed myself to just cut loose and do some really fun things like art quilts, miniature quilts and true heirloom quilts. This year I plan to do all three. I started a little miniature quilt in December, and in January I am taking a class with Judy Niemeyer who designs true heirloom quilts. The quilt I will be doing is called Bali Wedding Star and I will be using 30's reproduction fabrics. Their cheerful colors make me happy and they bring back good memories of both my grandmothers.

Second, I want to work on simplifying my life and home. This will accomplish two goals, first a neater home and second more time to work on my quilts. Instead of fighting clutter to try and clean my home I am going to get rid of a lot of the stuff. As Fly Lady says "you cannot organize clutter, you can only get rid of it". During Christmas I bought a crock pot cook book and plan to dust off that slow cooker and give some of the low carb recipes a spin to save time in the kitchen.

Third, I am going to practice a Feng Shui process that Fly Lady also uses and that is to get rid of at least 27 things in a month, but I am going to try for 27 things a week at first since I need to get rid of lots of clutter. Isn't it amazing that the older one gets the more one seems to "horde" good stuff? What causes that? I'll start with shirts with spots on them and recycled containers, since these seem to scream old lady to me. As an avid recycler, believe me many things will go in the recycle bin and any usable items will be donated.

Fourth, I want to learn more about blogging and the only way I know to do this is to start. Believe me it was interesting to see the length of time it took me to post this since it has been so long since I started my blog. Hopefully you will help keep me on track with my goals and will be patient with my self education about the blogging process.

My wish for you is to have a New Year full of blessings, happiness, friends and family. Hopefully this year will have very little sorrow, much prosperity and joy.

This process with me will be interesting since I seem to be somewhat ADD and get off track easily. Hopefully, if I don't post you will remind me that I am off track again...Oh look a chicken.

1 comment:

  1. You've got some great goals there Debbie. Good luck with them. I am your follower, so I'll be back to check that progress. ;)
