Sunday, July 12, 2009

Bounty of the Harvest

This week I was blessed with the bounty of one friend and one relatives garden harvest of beautiful home grown tomatoes. You know the kind that you can actually smell and taste. Nothing is better than a fresh home grown tomato. I love them sliced, on a hamburger, on a salad, stuffed, or just whole and by themselves. Often these tomatoes are so big you can really feel them in your hands and I love the way they are bumpy and lumpy and not too perfect~sort of like me.

However, since I am the only person in our home who actually eats them raw I had to go to plan B. Today I shopped my refrigerator and started peeling, cutting, chopping and cooking. Before you know it I had a big batch of tomatoes stewing with celery, bell peppers, onions and jalapeno peppers. They yielded a nice batch to freeze in preparation for autumn and a nice bubbling pot of homemade soup.

Okay, I know it is a stretch now to think about cool weather, but a girl has to have hope.

Monday, June 22, 2009

For some time I have thought about blogging. Tonight I just decided to Jump In and try. Hopefully I will learn a bit each week and will be able to publish soon.